Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Transfer Day

Well Day 5 Transfer day came on 9/6/09.

The worst part was having to drink so much water that I thought for sure I was going to pee all over the doctor!! Luckily, he let me "potty" just a bit before, since they do want your bladder full, but not uncomfortable.

We had 4 great embies that had made it to blastocysts stage. 2 which where the "top of the class". So we transferred 2. The other 2 grew with their sibling embies for the next couple of days until we got a final "freezing" count.

It was amazing to watch the transfer. Originally we had these 2 perfect embies

Then the embryologist, Ann (love her!) came in and advised us that she liked the looks of another better, so she swapped one out and we got these 2 perfect embies!!

So the transfer went very smoothly. Very comfortable. So here sit our baby embies!!!

Simply Amazing! So make yourselves at home babies. Cuddle in and enjoy the ride!

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Just a note that portions of this blog may be graphic. This has been a long journey, and keeping a detailed record is important to us. So if you are queasy, there may be parts you need to skip over. Also, any decisions regarding our children, the pregnancy, parenting ideas, are something that we consider carefully. If we decide to share them on the blog, please be cautious of criticism. We fully intend to research ideas thoroughly that we are thinking about.
We are excited to share this wonderful journey and welcome you along for the ride!!

Thanks! :)