Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Pictures Pictures Pictures

Just a mini update... kids got their 3rd round of RSV shots. Yucky...with a new gal. Mommy didnt like her. But on the upside Libby finally made it past the 10 lbs mark! Libby 11lbs 5oz and Sawyer 12lbs 12oz 25in. Libby didnt get measured because Sawyer had another Dr appt where they measured him. Hard to believe that Sawyer was almost half his length now at birth! WOW!
His lung Dr did say that he wanted Sawyer to eat more solids so he can bulk up. But our Peds Dr. isnt concerned, so neither am I. Sad to think I will be ending nursing soon. It was a big struggle, but so worth it! I love every minute I get to nurse them. :)

Libby and her Tutu

Sawyer after we woke him to open presents!
Doesn't he look amused!?

Twins in there snuggle bear buntings

Sawyer and Libby in their Christmas outfits

Great cousins (L-R) Libby, Sawyer and Riley
exactly 6 months apart (Riley is only 3 months!)

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Just a note that portions of this blog may be graphic. This has been a long journey, and keeping a detailed record is important to us. So if you are queasy, there may be parts you need to skip over. Also, any decisions regarding our children, the pregnancy, parenting ideas, are something that we consider carefully. If we decide to share them on the blog, please be cautious of criticism. We fully intend to research ideas thoroughly that we are thinking about.
We are excited to share this wonderful journey and welcome you along for the ride!!

Thanks! :)